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Andy’s Note: Resolutions We Can Keep

Happy new year, friends!

It’s the season for making resolutions, which is good timing: We should be resolute in the face of today’s many environmental challenges, because we can make a difference.

When I first got involved with Maine Audubon, I recall we had around 23 nesting pairs of Piping Plovers on Maine beaches. Now, we are regularly in the mid-60’s, with plovers fledging over 100 chicks per year. (Interestingly, a quarter of those successful nests occurred in Ogunquit, at one of Maine’s most popular beaches — a good reminder that people and wildlife can indeed thrive together!)

This success has not happened by accident. We have been working with state agencies, towns, landowners, and dedicated volunteers to create a better future for these animals. When people invest their time and talent on behalf of Maine’s wildlife and habitat, we have seen the positive results.

American Robin in a bush
This American Robin was observing the sub-zero temperatures from my native winterberry bush this week.

What will you be resolute about in 2018? How will you make Maine a better place, both for wildlife as well as people? Will you plant more native plants in your yard? Attend and support programs and events that expose more people to the wonders of nature? Contact your legislators in Augusta and Washington in support of wildlife-friendly public policies?

As you think about your plans for the new year, know that Maine Audubon is here as a resource to help you — whether it’s through an educational event, a citizen science opportunity, an advocacy initiative, or a volunteer experience.

As for me, I resolve to do whatever I can each day to support wildlife in this state, because when Maine’s wildlife thrives, Maine thrives. (And also to see more live music!)

Here’s to a bright year ahead, for wildlife and people alike.