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We Spoke Up Today to Protect the Maine Woods

Today, Maine Audubon stood with over 25 individuals and organizations before the Land Use Planning Commission (LUPC, Commission) in Brewer to express our deep concern about their proposed rules that would dramatically change how new development is located in Maine’s unorganized territories — better known as Maine’s North Woods.

We heard from residents of Forest City, who expressed concerns that the rules as drafted does not support their community and could result in a loss of services. We also heard from a Registered Maine Guide, who shared the concern that the allowance of large lot subdivisions would lessen opportunity for recreation in the North Woods. From many varied perspectives, we heard a common thread: The Commission is doing yeoman’s work to guide development near to existing communities, but more work needs to be done.

By way of background, the LUPC makes planning and zoning decisions for those areas of the state without their own local government — some 10.4 million acres located mostly in Northern, Western, and Downeast Maine. The LUPC has proposed to open thousands and thousands of acres to residential subdivisons and commercial development. Maine Audubon has been following this issue for years, and continues to have major concerns.

Specifically, we’re very concerned about the size and scope of the proposal and the real possibility of unintended consequences. Read our comments (PDF).

We need you to add your voice to this important conversation. It is not too late to submit comments to The record will remain open to January 22. Good public policy is built on citizens are engagement. This is your opportunity to influence policy that could significantly impact (and not for the good) Maine wildlife and habitat.

Thank you for adding your voice.