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Nature Moments: Wood Frog Thumbs

Charles Darwin's theory of evolution explains not only how creatures became good at securing food sources and surviving in the wilderness, but also how they produce the next generation. A good example of this, explains Bowdoin professor and Maine Audubon trustee Nat Wheelwright, is the male Wood …

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The 2018 Plover Crew Hits the Beaches

Despite the driving rain and 35 degree temperatures today, the 2018 Plover crew ventured out to the beaches. This year, Heidi Franklin (above, left) is joining Sam Albright, Zac Fait (center, right), and me as Maine Audubon's Coastal Birds Project biologist team. Already, plovers have been seen …

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Hermit Thrushes are Here!

I didn't want to go at first. I just couldn't ignore those imploring eyes any longer. So, I donned my warm coat, hat and gloves, grabbed the dog leash, and together we headed out into the April Sunday morning sleet. The trail through the woods was covered with hard-packed snow and tiny slippery …

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