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Educator Resources

Information about our programs, trainings, and resources for educators

Educator Resource Center

ERC members can borrow taxidermy, story walks, and other resources from Maine Audubon’s Educator Resource Center. An inventory of resources and information about signing up is available in this flyer [pdf].

Educator Workshops

Maine Audubon regularly offers customizable workshops and trainings for educators on conservation and environmental topics.

Community Science for Classrooms

(formerly known as Citizen Science)
These projects allow students to learn about the scientific method while participating in meaningful data collection and reporting.

::  iNaturalist is a web site and community for reporting observations of plant or animal species around the world. Special projects can be designed for any specific location such as a school or local natural area.

:: Using their backyards as laboratories, participants in the Signs of the Seasons program help scientists document the local effects of global climate change. You can use an app called Nature’s Notebook that makes recording data for Signs of the Seasons much easier.

:: eBird is a real-time, online checklist program for recording birds. Use the app to record data and visit the website for species maps and data.